Re-Enrollee has no funding or wrong funding amount

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    • #3558
      Sam Frangiamore

      The classic re enrollee or late enrollee scenario. Let’s use Henry as an example. Henry attended your school previously and dropped out at some point or is late to enroll this year. So, he became inactive in OPS and his account remains to help us associated his previous orders and inventory he still may have. At the beginning of the school year when we set up your SIS importer we inactivate any student that is not exporting to us. Inactive students remain, but do not get funded. If they did get funded and re enrolled/activate mid-year, they would start mid-year with full funding and we do not want that.

      Ok now after the importer is running nightly, Henry starts exporting to us again (whether at the beginning or mid year). So our importer activates his old account with zero funding (or remaining funding). When a student is re-activated, OPS never overwrites their student budget because they could have previous credit used/orders/manual adjustments, etc.

      The best way to deal with re-enrollees is to have a different enrollment procedure than with a new students. For example, if a student re enrolls and they already exist in your SIS but with a previous exit date; have your staff alert an OPS admin so their previous funding of their inactive account in OPS can be reviewed and a manual adjustment can be made based on the time of year they are re enrolling and whatever their previous spending might be.

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